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Zionn is a free grunge-styled wordpress theme with premium features such as latest tweets, flickr photos, animated gallery, post thumbnail, social bookmark, popular posts and lots more. Come in to view the list of features.
Downloaded 865 times
MonoShade is my first premium (paid) wordpress theme. It is a mono-coloured (one coloured) wordpress theme with advanced features and jQuery effects. It has 4 types of blog index styles, 5 types of fonts, 5 types of animation styles for featured gallery, auto thumbnail generation, 5 ready-made adsense positions and more. All can be controlled via the theme options page. More colour variations coming.
Price: $15
CrossBlock is a free grey-white wordpress theme with premium features such as latest tweets, flickr photos, animated gallery, post thumbnail, social bookmark, popular posts and lots more. Come in to view the list of features.
Downloaded 1941 times
Exult is a free blue-white coloured wordpress theme with premium features such as latest tweets, flickr photos, animated gallery, post thumbnail, social bookmark, popular posts and lots more. Come in to view the list of features.
Downloaded 1623 times